The Holy Cross
Explanations concerning the Holy Cross
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
Was the Lord Jesus Christ without the Holy Spirit before being baptized by Saint John the Baptist? Certainly not. Because what happened on the feast…
St Euphemia visiting St Paisios
One day Father Paisios was going through a very difficult phase. A problem was created in the Church at that time and many bishops had gone to…
The Apostles’ Fast
The Apostles’ Fast In one of his sermons, St. Basil the Great says, “Do not limit fasting to abstaining from food only, for real fasting…
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?
“Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” is an Aramaic expression, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” This is what the Lord…
Hosanna: A Radiant Expression of Salvation
Hosanna: A Radiant Expression of Salvation The entrance of the Lord Jesus Christ to Jerusalem is mentioned in the Four Gospels (Matthew 21: 1-11 /…
Lazarus and US
Lazarus became rotten in this world and his body became stinky. This is what man is like inside the tomb. What is earthly is corruptible and stinky;…
How is your garden?
St. Paiisius used to raise the following question to his visitors: How is your garden? And he used to clarify the question saying: If the Lord…
The value of the Human being to God.
The value of the Human being to God.Satan didn't ask to enter into another person, but into pigs, since he knows well the great value of the human…